A 78 year old man came into the ER because a flashlight was lodged in his rectum. He said he was working on a ladder...naked... and fell to the floor. The flashlight apparently was upright and found itself into his butt.
I have gotten to the point to were I just go with the story and don't ask as too many questions. It's not worth it to fight for the real deal if it is not going to change the outcome. But the surgeons wanted the truth. They told him there was no way he was naked working on a ladder and fell onto a flashlight. Then they (inappropriately) told him they would not remove the flashlight without the truth.
Reluctantly...the patient replied "Look doc...I am a lonely old man." That was enough to satisfy the a** surgeons.
Patient and flashlight recovered well.
-Doc Sensitive
I have gotten to the point to were I just go with the story and don't ask as too many questions. It's not worth it to fight for the real deal if it is not going to change the outcome. But the surgeons wanted the truth. They told him there was no way he was naked working on a ladder and fell onto a flashlight. Then they (inappropriately) told him they would not remove the flashlight without the truth.
Reluctantly...the patient replied "Look doc...I am a lonely old man." That was enough to satisfy the a** surgeons.
Patient and flashlight recovered well.
-Doc Sensitive
I don't think the a** surgeons should have pestered the poor man to tell the truth. It was an interesting lie. Made me laugh anyway. I'm sure there are people out there right now who are on a ladder and naked. lol Thinking about that flashlight makes me hurt. Wow. The things people stick in themselves.
With patients like this, is it inappropriate to mention that there are less dangerous things, and even specially-designed things, to put in one's butt? Someone should make an info sheet...
i agree with mejis and c they shouldn't have bugged the guy...they knew what happened why make him feel worse...and yes someone could have taken him aside and told them there are safer products to use..what is with people putting foreign objects in their bum anyway..sheesh
He doesn't need surgery- just stick him in a big bottle. The human firefly.
Was he looking for a bright idea on that ladder ?
poor old dude.
I definitely would have told him that there are other things one can use in one's butt that are safer than flashlights. But I would have done it like, "Wow, what an injury! I can see how that would happen. You know, some people like to put things in their rectums, and there are special objects one can get that are safe to do that with." Aw. Poor guy.
I said a "Bud Light" not a butt light!
You know there are safer things...
Anything you have tried lately Doc?
The ass surgeons are clearly pricks.
I remember a ED patient (male) once - was waiting for a trip to the operating room to remove a lost vibrator under general anaesthetic.
Anaethetist came to do a pre-op check and found a suspicious mole on the patient's back and removal the same time was recommended.
So all the staff had to lie to numerous relatives and as far as the relatives were concerned, the patient was having an emergency operation for a mole removal
Ummm - and they believed the story too
So, the light at the end of the tunnel...is a flashlight up an old man's butt. THAT makes me want to go to work tomorrow.
I would also ask. Flashlight on or off. Perhaps it was a self induced colonoscopy.
People are the same all over...that's how one can tell it's true.
We've had fallers in the shower & kitchen!
Surgeons ARE such a**** sometimes!!
Waste of a nice flashlight, though.
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