Throckmortons's sign: position of the penis in relation to unilateral disease. Throckmorton's sign is a slang term used jokingly by medical professionals. A positive "Throckmorton" sign is when the patient's penis lies to or points to the side of the body wherein lies the abnormality on a plain X-ray of the Pelvis
-A 45 year old male presented with hip pain after trying to kill himself by jumping from a balcony. He said he wanted to die because he was depressed. This xray, though, makes me wonder why he was so depressed. He has a huge throckmorton's sign. You think he would be getting lots of love. This is the first throckmorton's sign I have seen that couldn't even fit on the whole xray. Besides his broken heart, there were no fractures. He was sent to psych to see why he would be so sad with such a huge schlong.
-ER Doc
-A 45 year old male presented with hip pain after trying to kill himself by jumping from a balcony. He said he wanted to die because he was depressed. This xray, though, makes me wonder why he was so depressed. He has a huge throckmorton's sign. You think he would be getting lots of love. This is the first throckmorton's sign I have seen that couldn't even fit on the whole xray. Besides his broken heart, there were no fractures. He was sent to psych to see why he would be so sad with such a huge schlong.
-ER Doc
I am so glad I know what a "Throckmorton's Sign" is now and that I won't have to look like an idiot on an ER rotation with some SA doc some day. Thank you for saving me from certain humiliation. In fact, maybe now I can use this to humiliate some other unsuspecting Med student. Sweet.
dammit! I work L&D...I have absolutely no reason to ever refer to Throckmorton's Sign. I'll just have to work it in to a conversation with the residents somehow....
And yes, that is quite the Throckmorton's Sign. Yowza.
LOL...this is just too fricking funny. I never had seen a TM sign that hadn't fit on the xray, either! Well, except my own! LOL Thanks for the laughs this morning.
How can he find a girlfriend when everytime he had a "Throckmorton stiff" he passes out. I guess 5 liters of blood is not enough, what a waste....
Bigger is not better, trust me.
Poor cerebral perfusion when erect leading to chronic ischemic change and subsequent depression?
Somebody's should teach him that since it is long enough he can F*** his own A**. That might cure his depression.....
lol... wonder if the singles bars ever considered installing xray machines???
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