Figured it would be easy....go take a look at the bag and the surrounding bag and see if there are any erosions or bleeding around it. I was surprised by what I found. There were red, raised, ulcerated, and friable lesions on the skin around the whole and coming from the intestines going into the body. These looked just like....HERPES! I thought no way this is possible. So took a quick swab and sent it for a test. Sure enough...it came back as herpes. When I told the gentleman about it, he wasn't very surprised. His explanation was pretty straight forward: Men give him money, and in return he takes off the bag and lets them have sex with his colostomy hole and intestines!!
Horrible, disgusting, and should be against the law with his HIV status.
OMG, How many ways can I say disgusting, gross, nasty, or foul?
I have dealt with many a colostomy in my day and there ain't nothing that makes that sexy EVER. Period.
I am currently trying to wipe that image from my memory bank.
Human sexuality seems to have no bounds.
I really wish that this was the first time I'd heard of this phenomenon. Yech.
All I have to say is OMFG
oh my frickin' god. . . how sad is that man's life.
I nearly threw up in my mouth!!!
Considering there isnt a G spot hidden in there I wonder what stoma guy gets out of it apart from a weird, and completely gross irrigation session. Its kinda like any hole will do...mega gross.
Even animals don't behave so weirdly.
It beats two girls one cup. Spew Spew.
Sadly, this is not the first patient who has done something so sickening. Several years ago, we used to have a FF that was neg. for HIV status, but had a colostomy, and disgustingly was paid by men when allowing favors to be done at the site. **barf**
(Thanks for allowing the anon comment option. Normally I'd write with my own blogger name, but some cases like this don't need further recognition)
Spent many a long year as a wound and ostomy nurse, and instructed every one of them (of both genders) of the "no penis or fingers in the stomas" rule.
Still can't figure out some of these guys--if all you need is a warm hole, go buy one at a novelty store that you can wash and reuse. People can be very, very strange.
Pattie, RN
People - What's the difference between this and the "usual" gay sex? If this is disgusting, isn't it time to be honest and admit that homosexual behavior is in fact unhygienic, unnatural, and gross? Sorry to be so politically incorrect, but the natural reactions to this story beg the question.
okay... stoma fetish?
Some people will do anything for money.
Couldn't that damage him?
That gives a new definitions to desperate and disturbed.
OMG! I can not stop laughing! This is sooo gross and let me tell you, I know gross--I'm an RN.
I am totally disgusted by this. Did he inform them he is HIV positive? What si going on in this world?
I am totally disgusted by this. Did he mention he was HIV positive? What is wrong with the world?
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I have a colostomy for a year, and in the instructions on one of my appliance inserts, it warned not to insert things or organs into the stoma, and I honestly hadn't thought that was a "thing" but had to think again. With my husband, we talked and had to think, if they're warning about it,that means someone has done it, and probably with bad results.
On the practical side, with all the skin issues ostomates have, redness, open areas, bags not sticking because of open areas, and PAIN because of skin issues, I have to think, " But it hurts. WHY would anyone do that?" But then again getting it anally hurts too, but they do it.
Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on colostomy bags
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