Here is what EMS said. "We got called about an unruly man in his apartment. The call was from a man he met an hour before on the internet. When the man showed up at his apartment to do whatever they were going to do, he said his new friend was flipping out. When we showed up, he was jumping uncontrollably on the bed screaming like he is now. There were candles lit and bottles of Rocket Lube were everywhere."
We started bolusing the guy with ativan to try an calm him down. He had 4 cops and 4 techs all holding him down, and restraints on every extremity. It became too much. After 50 mg of ativan he was still uncontrollable, so we induced a medical coma and intubated him. After he was intubated the nurses started to put a foley in. When they removed his boxers...the man was wearing 2 rubber cock rings!
Monday morning mind you....
So ten minutes later this guy was up bucking the vent and almost breaking through the restraints. Long story short...to keep him sedated he ended up needing a propofol drip at 100mcg/min, ativan 40mg/hr, and fentanyl 200mcg/hr. This is an unbelievable amount of drugs just to keep someone sedated. A normal person would die from a fraction of this. I was astonished. His drug scream was + for Methamphetamines. I've never seen a meth case like that before. Hope I don't again.
Monday morning....unbelievable.
-ER Doc
Drug scream, eh? I bet it was screaming.
When I read 50mg of ativan I thought you'd written the wrong number. Holy cow. I'm so happy I've never tried meth or any of the illegal stuff out there.
Glad you didn't get hurt.
I only ever gave that much Ativan once--DT'er that got out of hand on the surgeon unexpectedly postop. Took that much just to get him to lie down in the bed. Small town, so we didn't have the luxury of 4 cops to hold him down... Thankfully, he was just pacing and was tolerating one of the nurses enough to let her keep pushing the Ativan.
Can somebody explain to me what "Rocket Lube" is?
Good grief, how does anonymous internet hooking up survive things like this?
Rocket lube is, I'm guessing, exactly what it sounds like. I can hear the advertising jingle now; 'When you want to get a rocket up your *** reach for rocket lube!'
YUK!, that's disgusting..
"Monday, Monday...." anyhow, i do so admire you,guys rock...i try to be a "quiet " ED patient anyhow....
Wow. I'm speechless.
I can see an advertising jingle similar to the old Guns and Roses song "Rocket Queen".
Interesting to hear of an episode from the medical staff perspective.
"ativan 40mg/hr"
Holy christ! That is a lot of med!
The only thing I can find on Rocket Lube is:
Guess the guy loves a good car wash or something. Especially the undercarriage.
That much propofol - d'ya think it would make MJ's doc jealous?
Yeah, that amount of propofol PER MINUTE is just incredible!! goddamn!!!
something about this story doesn't wash for me. Especially the part about there being no such product as "Rocket Lube" (I checked), and the utter shock professed that the guy was wearing (GASP) 2 cockrings. I'm betting this story is going to show up on snopes.com sooner or later.
not to mention, the story claims that 10 minutes after inducing a medical coma, the patient was again bouncing off the walls.
RE: anonymous....
Yes 2 cock rings. 1 over his dick and the other his balls. Im glad you took the time to go to the gay fun store to see all the different kinds of lube. And for your information....the duration of action to paralyze and sedate a person is only 5 minutes...then you start a drip of something else (in this case, the ativan). so with the meth...it really is not that big of a suprise he was bucking the vent early. you need some real medical training before you make dumb comments
Astro Glide = Rocket Glide
Doc...STOP FEEDING THE TROLL!! I think he forgot to take his Haldol.
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