"This patient has been to several clinics requesting physicals from female doctors and midlevels. Specifically, he is requesting rectal exams while squatting. Dr. X has confirmed the phone number he gave us is not a working number. Please do not examine him."
Here's to you...Mr. Squatting while using your insurance copay to get off man.
-ER Doc
Hey, you know, you need a site redesign. This one's a little ... off.
If you end up having to examine him, use the really, really big, maxi-sized analscope...
Thanks for airing my dirty laundry man.... geez
You couldn't get Stephan from Food Service to do the exam for you...with or without the large stainless steel salad tongs...
There are a couple of male frequent-flyer patients to our inpatient psych unit that always complain of priapism or penile discharge. After the first couple of times examining their genitals, I now routinely delegate that task to med students.
-psych doc
Hey, that's Ouchy!!
Sweet Beavis...Ouchy is worse than a rickroll!
That picture will haunt my dreams.
When I wake up in the middle of the night screaming in terror I'll know who to blame.
I was never afraid of clowns before... but now.... an image that will stick with me...EWWWW!
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