Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hit and Run

Here is a story from last winter....

It was snowing and the streets were covered with ice. A 43 year old woman hit not one, not two, but THREE cars in her neighborhood on her way home. The police were called and she was tracked down.

When they showed up to her door, she freaked and hid in the attic. Of course she had some outstanding warrants, so she was arrested.

As the police were escorting her out of the house to haul her off, she slipped and fell and shattered her radius.

So instead of bringing her to jail they had to bring her to the ER. As the police usually do, they got tired of waiting in the ER and released her from their custody.

Imagine the irony. She trashes 3 cars, and gets out of going to jail by breaking her arm in police custody.

-ER Doc


ERP said...


Anonymous said...

That is very sad to hear.

kristen77 said...

Yep...WTF! Did she end up eloping from the hospital?

ER Murse said...

I hope that means they'll be back for her when she's released. Is that too much to hope for?

SerenityNow said...

She stuck around for her splint and pain med prescription. Norco keeps most people around. Gotta stay to get your candy

Officer Cynical said...

Not in my custody. I hat hit and run drivers - I'd wait that one out.