I wanted to post this a few days ago when the story came out...but I have been very busy.
A new study by George Washington University Scholars showed that it costs women nearly twice as much as it does men to be obese. Researchers tabulated the cost of medical bills, employee sick days, health insurance, lost productivity and even the need for extra gasoline to fuel cars carrying heavier passengers. In total, they found that the average yearly cost of being obese in America is $4,879 for a woman and $2,646 for a man.
I'm all for bringing up more reasons to have the fatties loose some pounds. Day in and day out in the ER, the majority of cases I see can either be attributed to or complicated by obesity. Now we have a study that brings up the obvious...being fat costs more money. Sometimes it takes saying the obvious to make an impact.
The reason, though, why it costs women more to be fat??? The study says it is because they get paid LESS than their fat male counterparts. Now that sucks.
Now for my liberal side....it is HARD to eat healthy when you don't have a lot of money. It costs a hell of a lot more. That's not an excuse for not exercising or controlling portion sizes...but there needs to be better regulations on what goes in food and their needs to be more AFFORDABLE healthy options. I was poor until moonlighting in residency.....that dollar menu used to be very appealing.
Now enough of the serious stuff. Let's get some funny comments about why it costs more to be fat. If you are sensitive, don't read.
-ER Doc
BTW, it doesn't take as much as you would think to be classified as obese. To calculate your BMI, click here. (Mine is 23...booyah!)