Monday, February 11, 2013

We're baaaaack. I don't know for how long...but we are bored and thought we would give this another try. Both of us have aged, become less mature, and have different jobs. But we still have shit to talk about. Check back soon for something worthless to read.

-ER Doc, Psych doc


DrSteggy said...

HOORAY. I feared you gone forever.

Hp123 said...

If it had been FB, I'd be clicking "like" repeatedly.

Christine said...

I thought I was hallucinating!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! I was just cleaning out my bookmarks and clicked to find you've come back! YAY!

Anonymous said...

AW YISS.. mothafuckin' Serenity Now!!

Anonymous said...

On like Donkey Kong, bitches. So very happy you are back. My husband and I have adopted "chicken breath" into our lexicon. We missed you.

Anonymous said...

Oh I cannot WAIT for worthless posts!!! I have really missed you guys!!

arzt4empfaenger said...

Hello right back at you! Seems boredom did it's job well. ;-) Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

OMFG. You're back!!!!!!!!!!


RegisteredNut said...

Hilarious !

Larry Sheldon said...

I saw your ad on a coded blog--but this is probably the only time I'll fight with your capcha toy.

"8380" is not a word.

RehabRN said...

Welcome back! Missed you guys and the fun stories in the ED.

Had to keep bugging my friend in OH to see what was going on in her ED instead.

May you have many strange ones to share! And hopefully, none of my people will escape again and run their wheelchairs into traffic and end up in your ED, like the last two.

Me said...


Anonymous said...

Yay! Missed ya'll, glad you are back!!