- Home Remedies patients have told me about that I think are funny/stupid: Vinegar after too much pork or salt to help lower blood pressure, mustard with garlic for gas, people who wear cotton balls in their ears, peeing on a burn, mustard on burns, mayo on burns, eating cheese to stop smoking, eating oatmeal after fried foods to help "break it up", red or green rubbing alcohol for flank pain
- I am sick of Hispanic people who live in this country for years and don't bother to learn English. I don't know how many times I have seen someone who says they have been in the US for 10+ years, and don't speak English. And you expect me to be able to help you?
- I had a guy come in last week for hand weakness after "watching cinemax all night." And it was a Saturday night!
- A mom who had cigarette in mouth when going to pick up baby from high chair, slipped, and spit the cigarette in her eye causing a nasty burn to her eye
- Don't waste the fire departments time by having them check your blood pressure. Go to a drug store and have a machine do it. Don't waste the fireman's time
- Had a patient call 911 from her ER room in my ER last week because she was hearing voices in her head. Funny shit.
- Had a nursing home doc send me a patient to examine because her vision was getting worse. When I asked what her baseline vision status was....he said "oh, shes already legally blind, but she seems to be more blind now." WTF am I supposed to do with that?
- A 26 year old mom and her 13 year old son....both coming to the ER for different psych complaints.....
- A different nursing home sent the same patient in THREE TIMES in the SAME night for her trach falling out. And she didn't even need the trach anymore. The 3rd time she came I just threw away the trach and sent her back.
Loved your blog, you guys will be missed. Too bad people can't get a life...
I will miss your blog. Love to hear you vent and know that its not just my patients that are crazy. Stupid people need to get a life
Sorry to see you go. Too bad there are too many dumbasses out there. :( :( :( They are just dumbfucks with (fake...not the real ones) chronic illnesses who are offended by those of us who have lives and jobs. They can all go to Hell! We are tired of dealing with them anyway.
Heck, then again they are probably the reason I have a job LOL
I'll be sorry to see you go! Most people who aren't in a hospital environment don't understand what crazy people actually come through, and if we didn't laugh about it, we'd never make it through. We get absolutely nutso people on my unit...the general public has no idea.
I will miss the wacky stories you tell of the kinds of problems that present to you, but I won't miss your rude and unprofessional attitude. If anyone is thin-skinned it is you. Also, do you realize you can just turn comments off and not have to read our feedback?
Sorry to see you go! I have loved your posts.
Thank you for this wonderful blog, and best of luck to you in the future!
I'm sorry to see you go - I've really enjoyed reading your blog! You've made me laugh and groan, sometimes in the same paragraph. Sorry, too, that people can be so stupid.
sorry to hear that you're closing the blog down. always find it a good read.
I'm sorry that you're calling it quits but I can understand the reason. Hopefully you'll be back. Good luck to you!
RE Webster:
Really I can block comments?? Man, I have been doing this blog for 3 years and never knew. (SARCASM).
I leave every comment up bc Im not thin skinned and your words dont hurt me. If anything I think they are funny.
Its the emails from fibromyalgia loving computer savvy people who are trying to figure out where I work by my IP address and fucking with my job. Blogs not worth that shit.
And I dont have to be professional on my blog b/c Im not at work and your not my damn patient
You fibro people are worse than animal rights people
ER Doc
I'm sorry to see you go; I've enjoyed reading your stories. It's a shame folks can't be content to express their displeasure in comments or, as you said, move on to more like-minded sites. Best of luck to you.
People suck. Thanks for the good times.
Sorry to see you go. It's a shame people can't mind their own business.
Really? Once again the whining gets the job done. I am so tired of having MY life and how I want to live it, ruined by someone with my best interests at hand.... What part of MY LIFE are they not getting and why do we let them get away with this, time after time? I wish you well, ER Doc, but also kinda wish you would stand up to the Bullies and shove it back in their faces! They can click the "next blog" button as well as the channel button on their tv's and radios, leave my enjoyment alone! Done ranting, now back to being a nice Gia!
Damn. I hate it when the asshats win. Kind of like a fibro whiner getting all the deLaLa they want...
This is my FAVORITE blog!! It's so hard to find other health professionals online and sometimes in person that aren't afraid to just KEEP IT REAL. I will really miss you guys for your honesty and for having the guts to put your thoughts and experiences out there. I will save your life but maybe I don't want to F'ing talk to you, you know? They don't teach us in school that we have to treat the scum of the earth sometimes and sometimes scum read this blog. Maybe you'll come back one day on a secure site and I hope I find you guys again. Again, I love this blog, will miss it, and to all the haters, fuck you
It's "funny" (only not) how the people who get their panties in a bunch and react indignified over a medical professional uttering criticism about patients are rarely medical professionals themselves. Idiots, get it that these thoughts are not said to the patient but instead vented like oe would vent to a coworker. They obviously have no idea how much needed a catharsis like that is in this field of work! >:(
To the rest of the post: The home remedies are scary! My chinese grandparents would swallow alive baby mice to counter rheumatism... nice. (Blergh!)
It doesn't matter if it's chinese or turkish (those are the ones we have) or hispanic people who don't bother learning the language. WHyyyyyyy are you chosing this country if you apparently have no interest in living here? And yes, I count communication as part of libing here. Same to Germans who emigrate to spain to open a bar... "I didn't know I had to learn spanish, why aren't they speaking German??!" Morons everywhere!
Cigarette mom makes me want to beat her with a dead weasel. The poor baby. :-( If it was herself getting the butt in the eye... your damn own fault.
The 911 call patient is brilliance. :-) The rest... let the eyerolling commence.
Guys, be well and may the force of the rant stay with you. As long as you do your job well, I don't care if you rant. I'd rather have that than a polite mouse who can't do shit when a serious emergency arises. Keep up the good work, if you ever return, I'll be reading!
Thank you for sharing! And farewell and only the very best to you guys in the future. I really enjoyed reading your blog. Shame on these A-holes for forcing your hands.
People are so lame!!! I appreciate your humor and insight. You will be missed. God bless.
Sorry to see you go; I've always loved your blog, and it's a shame that a bunch of whiny self-absorbed freaks are trying to get you fired.
Though while we're all being honest and stuff, I've always been concerned by the fact that you seem to have the grammar skills of a particularly obtuse high school freshman who communicates primarily via text message. I have visions of you telling a patient, 'zomg d00d, u gotz teh cancer lol also ur a fag lol'.
Anyway, good luck.
Nooo, just found this blog yesterday, was looking forward to more stuff since erstories closed :(
Make a blog that is by invitaton only... just don't forget to invite me! You will be missed, great blog!
Just FYI, I don't have fibromyalgia. I have multiple sclerosis, for 30 years. I've learned to suffer fools lightly.
If you haven't violated anyone's confidentiality in your blog then it is wrong for anyone to try to track you down in order to bring you down.
Or, just maybe, if you toned your rants down a little all your troubles with the blog would go away. Or not. Who knows.
I know you have to deal with the worst that society has to offer - but that's your job. I also know you have to decompress after a shift - but you don't have to be such an ass about it. But maybe that's your nature. If so, you might consider a different specialty. Just a suggestion. Your talents may be more useful in a less stressful setting.
Dammit!! I will so miss your blog. You were right! F*ck them! Playa haters!
We're all in the same boat with asshats trying to get a hard-on by getting us in trouble. Fuck them and best of luck in the future.
Oh Geez, One of the ways I stay sane in the midst of stay-at-home-mommyhood is by reading this type of blog and remembering the good old days when I didn't know the people who peed and vomited on me!
If you start up a private blog...
Very sorry to see you go. This was one of my favorite blogs.
I'm sorry that all this is happening. I will miss your blog.
Hey Webster and the asshats that are threatening -- if you don't like the rants DON'T READ THE BLOG YOU IDIOTS! Why H*** should he have to "tone down the rants" to appease you or others!! You are reading the blog voluntarily....so dig deep and try to find some common sense and NOT READ IT if it bothers you that much.
People are idiots -- and it doesn't matter what profession you are in -- or where in the world you are at.....
Serenity -- good luck and God Bless.
Yup. One thing you learn blogging (unabasedly that is) as a doc is that you have to do everything you can to hide your identity. People eventually can find you out and theoretically fuck you.
When (and if)I come back, it will I will be as careful and anonymous as possible.
Good luck with everything -and try to keep your sanity!
I'll really miss you. God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy!
Bummer. But that's the reason I don't blog about my job. I'm a crisis counselor and if 'somebody' learned I'm not compassionate every single second of every single day - well, you know. Sorry to see you go.
Um, hello, everyone gets email threats from people who want to expose bloggers to the (hospital ethics board, board of medicine, board of nursing, nursing mgr, etc.). Pussy.
When I was a politics blogger back in the day, a lot of similar bloggers had FBI agents assigned to them due to the threats, including getting knives, dead animals, and fake anthrax mailed to them (not a joke).
Bummer. I'm very sorry to see you go.
Not worth dealing with though. I don't enjoy blogging thatttt much but I do enjoy my paycheck
ER Doc
Will definitely be missed by this med student.
Noooooooooooooo. Another one bites the dust. You will be missed. I guess I need to go read up on fibromyalgia and get me some of that FMLA ( Fuck Me Late Again) so I don't have to come to work or when I do show up whenever I feel like it. It's a shame I had many stories I could add to your list. Good luck
stupid people suck I will miss your stories
Will really miss you lot. Shame on the mindless prats who can't get a better life. There are certain ailments that seem to come associated with strange and unpleasant mindsets and manipulative entitlement attitudes - and yes, you Webster, who has whinged twice here, you're one of them. It is because of your type that many medical workers NEED a place to blow off steam. And before you say I don't have any idea what you go through - I also have an incurable chronic disease which makes life rather different from what I'd envisaged - but MS does have research being done on treatments, mine doesn't. I and all my family have also worked in the healthcare sector at the front line for a long time so we know what it's at both sides up.
No - no blog is worth your job. But you'll be sorely missed. I blame myself actually everybody - all my favourite medical blogs are disappearing ;-) I may have to do some work :-(
That'a too bad. I've been enjoying your blog -- as well as ERP's -- since I was on bedrest and that was a long time ago!
Wish you well in the future!
Good luck and God bless. You will be missed by this nurse aide/EMT/RN student.
No blog is worth asshats messing with your livelihood, but damn, I just found this 2 weeks ago and have enjoyed reading every one of your rants.
Glad these idiots can swear in a court of law that they NEVER rant about their job and are completely uneffected by the interactions they may have with dorks of society. Then again maybe they are in a special community where everybody is completely competent, happy, respectful, and just plain perfect. I'd love to move there if they would kindly reveal the city and state.
SerenityNow, the fibro people are all talk. They can't get your IP address from you posting to your blog. The only way they'll get it is if you reply to their email messages, or if you post one of those widgets showing where the hits are coming from.
That's really too bad but I understand. I had to make some changes on my own blog. I was shocked when I answered my home phone and someone tracked me down via my blog. They called me on my unlisted home phone. Fortunately, nothing bad happened.
I am a lurker on your blog and have enjoyed it very much. Your blog is funny. I read several blogs that are funny (not all medical). It's really too bad that there are idiots that will ruin something for the rest of us just because their sensibilities are offended. There are always those that have no life so they want to ruin it for others.
Sorry to see you go.
I will really miss this blog, why are people such asshats! Like you said they should not of been reading it if they couldn't handle it. And you could be me Dr. any day!!!!!!!!
I've been lurking for quite a while now, and this RN is going to miss you. Can't stand the asshats, myself. Wish they'd get a life, or jump off a bridge, frankly. I've been doing this too long...
I, too, am sorry to see you go. Keep writing your stories, just don't publish them. 20 years from now, they will have you laughing.
Take care and may you both have fulfilling careers.
I'm so sorry to hear you're shutting down; I love reading this blog daily.
Sorry to hear you are closing this blog down, but I understand completely. Don't let the a$$holes get you down. Best wishes.
Plus I can't believe how many absolute idiots are out there.
I'll miss you two. I know how you feel. I have really enjoyed your blog.
Archive the blog offline, since you'll have lots of material for a book.
Best of luck to you both.
Sorry to see you and erstories shutting down. You guys' 2 blogs were the only 2 I could stand reading, and both were hilariously great.
Enjoyed your blog. Always looked forward to it. Just an FYI, when I was doing serious cycling, I used to put cotton in my ears to keep them from getting so painfully cold riding in the wind, since I always seemed to be out in forty and fifty degree weather. It really helped for some reason. Earwarmers alone weren't enough. There was synergy using them together. Thanks for the memories. You'll be missed.
I am going to miss your blog - thats our country - everything is a "customer service issue" - i will miss your stories that make me laugh!!
I love your blog, I'm so sorry to see you go! I'm going to miss all of the hyterical stories ( the story about the screaming lady in the lobby, made you think she was about to deliver triplets and was just another pt with Fibro comes to mind). As an RN, I know that it's really helpful to vent. Otherwise, we'd go crazy.
People can be such jerks. I'm calling you out Webster! We got into healthcare to take care of people, because we DO care. But then, we have to take care of bitter people like you. We aren't thin skinned, but treatment we get from some of our patients takes it's toll.
I second everything ER Doc says. I was already reaching the point where all the stupid/funny stuff has already started to bore me and I was either running out of stories or I couldn't recognize them anymore.
Don't fret for us. We were just trying to unwind our stressed-out brains and entertain others. If the pussies can't handle it, they need to find a different blog to follow.
Forgive us for hating our jobs at times. Doesn't everyone? Think about it this way: In the past year, I saw around 2000 patients. I have less than 10 blog posts during that time. So most of my patients (99.5%) are fairly pleasant and/or benign.
Peace out, bitches.
-Psych Doc
I have always enjoyed your blog and will miss it. As others have said, people don't have to read it. If they don't like it they shouldn't read it :( Wish we could take their computers away.
I am so shocked and saddened to hear this...first ER Stories and now this blog! I will miss your flair for writing and most of all (oh this sounds awfully cheesy!) I found this blog to be truly inspiring. Don't let the bastards get you down.
Damn, my list of screamingly funny medical blogs is rapidly shrinking because of some thin-skinned dumbfucks. You will be missed.
(So how the hell are you supposed to vent now?)
Farewell Serenity, farewell. May you blog again one day.
Lurker from Australia
Another lurked from Australia- I have no medical experience whatsoever but I found your blog so interesting and quite funny. So much so, I read the entire blog in days. Sorry to hear you're shutting up shop. All the best.
1. I'm sad you won't be here. I read often although I have never commented before.
2. I had surgery on my ear/inside my head and wore a cotton ball because my surgeon told me to. Please forgive me and if you see me don't judge-my doctor said to do it.
I am sad to be losing forums where those of us who work in medical/emergency/law enforcement fields
will no longer be able to share our humor and vent
our frustrations with each other. To folks like Webster
I say: why don't you post your comments at chronicdiseasesrus.com or whineycomplainers.net, where like-minded people might appreciate what you have to say?
Thanks guys. I liked your blog too and will miss reading it. I am an attorney who defends hospitals, doctors and nurses, and your experiences were consistent with some of the cases I see. I just hope most of your patients aren't like the ones you blogged about. Keep doing your good work, and best of luck.
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