Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Damn Dog

An 87 year old man was walking his dog when the neighbors pit bull got loose. The pit bull bit him right in the CROTCH.

He promptly fell to the ground....shattering his 87 year old pelvis.

This was the first time I had to consult urology (severe testicle wounds) and ortho at the same time.

And the guy is so nice he refused to report the dog.

-ER Doc

PS....for some reason if you google image search "pit bull bit crotch" Sarah Palins picture comes up. Weird


Anonymous said...

The guy is STUPID not to report the dog. Next time it will be a kid's face the dog will get at.

StorytellERdoc said...

Ouch! Being bit in the scrotum by a mosquito would be bad enough, but a pitbull? I don't think I'd buy a lottery ticket on that day if it happened to me.

And, of course, the victim is probably one nice, elderly, gentle always happens that way... I hope he heals well.

Thanks for the morning cringe here! LOL

Lilorfnannie said...

I've seen it before when the really nice people don't prosecute when they really ought to. It does a disservice to the rest of society by allowing dysfunctional, dangerous people/businesses to remain and continue their actions. It really ticks me off.

Mel said...

I hope that you or someone on your team did report the dog. If I see a dog who has bitten another animal or a human, I have an obligation to report it to animal control - not only as a potential rabies risk, but also as a general public health risk.

If the owners don't have the wherewithal to keep a dangerous dog properly restrained, which I find is often the case in these situations, then legal sanctions are usually necessary to keep someone else from being injured. My grandfather died at 82, in part due to complications from a pelvic fracture, so this is far more than a puncture wound to the hand.

ERP said...

Where's Cesar Milan when you need him!

terri c said...

Oh, poor man. I hope he makes it--this is bad. He may be declining to report the dog due to fear of reprisals... nasty dogs sometimes have nastier owners.

Rachel said...

Please tell me that someone reported the dog!!? Poor guy :(

amyinbc said...

I too believe the dog needs to be reported big time. Heck, he lives in the USA, shouldn't he be suing?!

Hoping the gentleman recovers with no repercussions. But yeah, he needs to report that kind of stuff. Could save a kid, other dog or person from this unwarranted aggression.

SerenityNowHospital said...

Our state law mandates the ER to report the least that's what my charge nurse said. So the nurse reported it per protocol. I try to stat out of that kind of stuff. I had other the shattered pelvis and lacerated deal with

ER Doc

Shash said...

I'm very glad to hear the nurse reported it. That poor man (and to some extent, that poor dog).

Melissa said...

Arrrgh, that poor old man! I hope he makes it through all that. Broken balls and pelvises are not good news at that age. I'm glad that the dog got reported. While it's sad that it will likely get put down due to it's owner's negligence, it won't bite any more nice old men either.

VM said...

The dog isn't a problem; the ignorant careless irresponsible owner is!

Ty Rant said...

I had other the shattered pelvis and lacerated deal with

Sounds like my divorce.

Dr. Dawg said...

I'll add that to the long list of reasons I'm armed 99pct of the time. People think folks like GruntDoc and myself are weird for being a bit of a gun nut . . . .till the pit bull charges and you put 230 grains of hollow point into his cranial vault. ;-)