Between Pysch Doc's hospital and mine, we are used to seeing IronMan frequently.
(Click here for original Iron Man post if needed)
A month had gone by, and neither of us had seen him. I checked our electronic medical records, and it had been 5 weeks since he had been to any of the hospitals in my system. Had IronMan finally succeeded in offing himself!?!?
No it couldn't be. He is Iron Man. And although young, Iron Man is a
GOMER, and GOMERs don't die.
Then 2 days ago he resurfaced in a triumphet return. He drank a bottle of rubbing alcohol and was vomiting everywhere. He said he did it b/c he was "frustrated" that he could only have his medicines as long acting shots instead of pills. The doctors had taken away all of his pill prescriptions due to his multiple ingestions.
Me: "Iron Man, where have you been? I haven't seen you in awhile"
Iron Man: "Hey ER Doc. I was at hospital-X for swallowing bleach. I'm not gonna swallow that stuff anymore. I went to hospital-Y for a week after swallowing a razor blade I put in a pill bottle. Then I went to hospital-Z for my normal Tylenol overdose. I really don't like hospital-Z. Can you send me back to hospital-A so I can see your friend Psych Doc. I like him."
Soo....I let time pass, treated his nausea, etc. He was cleared from a medical standpoint. And since he drank the rubbing alcohol b/c he was "frustrated" and not suicidal, I was going to be able to discharge him back to the group home instead of a psych hospital....a first.
But remember, Iron Man's goal is to live at a psych facility...not go back to a group home.
So he promptly made his way to the middle of the ER, fell on the floor and started shaking and screaming and acting like he was having a seizure. He kept screaming "THE VOICES ARE BACK THE VOICES ARE BACK." (He hears no voices but his own.)
So as everyone freaked out and went to get meds, I went to him and said quietly, "Iron Man, if I get you to a psych facility will you stop acting up and go back to your room?"
Amazingly the seizure stopped and the voices went away. He stood up and said, "OK, sounds good. I'll be sure to say I am suicidal this time. Oh yeah I ate plastic Chloraprep a few minutes ago too." I was pissed b/c the staff knows not to leave ANYTHING in his room.
So I called our psych liaisons, and of course their day was ruined. He was in the ER another 24 hours until a new facility accepted him.
This is the legend of Iron Man.
-ER Doc