I see A LOT of very elderly patients. Most come from nursing homes, which is always challenging. I see many elderly patients who are very active. They are probably the most fun patients. They have a great outlook on life and are usually very humorous.
Fist patient to tell you about was a 71 year old female who came in for arm pain. She had an obvious forearm deformity. The X Rays were already taken before I saw her. She had a broken arm. "Ma'am, how did you injure your arm," I said. With a very straight face looking me straight in the eyes she replied, "I punched my granddaughter in the head." I immediately thought oh shit! I pictured having to call CPS and Adult Protective Services, getting this lady a geriatric eval for dementia, and all kinds of painful stuff. But then I asked her how old the girl was....thank god she was 18. And apparently, she deserved to be hit. I put her in a splint, and she said she was done boxing.
Second patient was a 71 year old male veteran. He came in for chest pain, and only because his PCP made him come in. He was convinced he was "healthy as a horse" and didn't need to be there. Chest pain questions are pretty routine. We always ask about alcohol, smoking, and drugs. Sometimes I feel bad asking seniors about drugs....like I am disrespecting them. For this gentleman: Smoking...NO. Alcohol...NO. Drugs...Not cocaine anymore, but marijuana...Yes. Ecstasy....Yes! I was obviously taken back. He said, "I probably got a bad blunt that made my chest hurt. I was around in the 60s and 70s, and it was second nature to use back then. Never felt the need to stop. Is that a problem, Doc?" He was admitted for his heart attack.
-ER Doc