I received a funny patient complaint this week.
I had a 42 year old come in for scabies (we get a lot of patients with scabies, as you can tell by now).
I told him the treatment I would be prescribing him, but he had heard that a shot of decadron (steroid) would help, and he demanded it. We went round and round with me trying to explain why it wouldn't help, but he really wanted it so I gave in.
He called our office 3 days later irate stating the shot I gave him made him impotent. First...why are you having sex when you have scabies. Second...yeah the decadron didn't affect you morning salute, sorry man.
-ER Doc
On a different note, I am kind of sad to say this blog is shortly coming to an end. It has been fun. When we set out to do this a few years ago, we just wanted to have some fun. I don't have the longevity of the greats like erstories.net, gruntdoc, and white coat. Psych doc and I have talked, and we think we have pretty much described every kind of douche-bag we have seen, so it is time to bring things to a close. I have a few more things I want rant about, but then we will be riding into the sunset and will take down the blog. Thanks for your support. I recommend erstories.net, white coats call room, new nurse in the hood, and nurse k.
Sad you are going to be done. I really enjoyed reading the funny stories. Thank you for sharing them!!!
Well, crap. You're going to be missed....
Sorry to hear that. Always look forward to reading your posts.
Thank you for all the great stories. I've learned so much by reading your blog, and I will miss you.
That sucks! Who's going to rip on fibro patients with impunity! I can't bring myself to do it like you can and weather the flames that inevitably follow.
I recommend keeping it up even if you just update it now and again. You'll need to vent. That's the main reason I continue to do it. I got so pissed off today for instance that I immediately blogged about it and felt better.
I've also built enough of a following over the 3.5 years that I've been able to get some ads on the site that pay at little to cover some extraneous crap. Keep it up and you probably can too. Another option is to at least tweet.
In any case, good luck and stay sane.
Ah, this one one of my favorite med blogs. Thanks for all the good stories!
awww....i love your blog too. I better marathon this stuff before it's gone!
Thanks for all the entertainment, good stories, and insights and good luck with all your future patients!
I'll miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm with ERP - please don't go away! Smaller/ less frequent doses will keep us happy too. But If not - thanks, it's been fun...
Awww! I will miss the blog! It's one of my daily checks. Thanks for the stories.
Crap, I just started following this blog :(
Sorry to see you go, I really enjoyed your blog.
Oh, no! I'll miss the blog. :(
I love reading it.
Oh, damn!
So sad.
Bummer for your audience. We want to hear continuing tales of Ironman.
But you've got to stretch your wings, so fly little birdies, fly....
Thanks for all the stories.
nooooooo this is my favorite!!
Um...Obviously you need to team up with New Nurse in the Hood and just post every once in awhile. Duhr.
Don't go!!!!!!!!!!!!
will be sorry to see the end. Love your stories.
Thank you for all the enjoyable reading - You will be missed!
What Nurse K said. :)
Dont do it!!!
I really enjoyed reading you guys and your great rants (love'em!). I hope you'll at least leave the existing posts up for further rereading? And maybe, if new disaster strikes, even a tiny new post... You've become one of my daily fixes like Grumpy and ERstories. Btw., not posting daily doesn't mean you're not among the great. Keep up the good work! (I want to say don't goooooooo, but it's your decision and if you feel like letting it go or just pausing indefinitely, that's to be respected!)
I love your blog! Please don't go!
oh so sorry that it is coming to a end. you have made me smile on many days. and given me something to talk to my husband about when he called from Iraq. he always giggled
I'm with ERP on this one; take his suggestion and leave the archives here with a random update now and then. Taking it down totally would deprive a lot of people of a good laugh or a WTF? moment or just a glimpse into what life is like in the ED. Too valuable to just delete. I, for one, have learned some interesting things from this blog...
please keep the blog up. Without humor like your's, where would I be? It is sad that you are leaving but i wish to make one last request.
Keep the Archives up so that future generations can laugh at the world.
oh my goodness... what is gonna happen to the legends of the Iron man? I wish you wouldn't go....
PLEASE DON"T GO>>>>>>>>>>>>
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