A 24 year old woman came to the ER because she couldn't find her tampon. She stated that 3 days earlier her and her boyfriend "got trashed" to celebrate his birthday. She was on her period and didn't want to have sex (I agree with that notion btw).
The rest her story is kinda sketchy. She states she doesn't remember anything from the night after that. She realized a couple of days later that she couldn't find her tampon.
I don't have a vagina, but I would guess a tampon is something that you check on and replace regularly. Anyways, she started interrogating her boyfriend, and he admitted to having sex with her the night of his birthday while she was drunk and basically unconscious.
So she really came to the ER because she was afraid he "rammed it up there."
Sure enough, he did. In the back of her vaginal vault was a rotted, crumpled up, disgusting tampon.
-ER Doc
I'd be waaaaay more worried about my boyfriend raping me than a nasty tampon.
ugggh really!! people never cease to surprise me!! she didn't look hard enough
Sounds like a Class A kinda guy....*sarcasm*
You'd think inside her vagina would be the first place she'd look for it.
3 days? seriously, you think she'ld have missed it before then... oh and ditto to Erica on the assult
Definitely agree with Erica and Julie on the assult. But I have actually forgotton a tampon and inserted a second one only to be surprised by how difficult it was to insert. I've done it two or three times. D'oh.
They are Too stupid to have sex. Put a low jack on that vagina. beep, beep, step away from the vagina, step away from the vagina
Just eeeeeew. And, sorry to be judgemental, but agree with Anon above!
Sorry but true, anon 6:21, I have done the same thing and it is horrifying!
Dude, that's nasty. But then again, it's what we signed up for....
Wow. Just wow. Did she even care that her bf raped her?Um, self-esteem issues maybe? If I were her, I'd be pressing charges along w getting the tampon removed.
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