If yes.....start asking questions. This 12 year old girl came in b/c she had itchiness to her vagina and vaginal discharge. My first thought was it was probably just a yeast infection. But no....the history proved otherwise.
She stated that she has been shaving her private area with old razors. So medically, she could have cut herself with a dirty razor and got a skin infection. But my duty was to ask, "Why at 12 years old are you shaving down there?" The answer.....b/c she was already having sex! She looked no older than 10 years old, very immature, and was already sexually active with a florid STD. All of this was said in front of her Aunt, and Auntie didn't seem too surprised.
Very sad. Not to mention against the law. The SANE nurse was contacted as well as CPS.
-ER Doc
My daughter is just a few years older than this patient, and my mouth is hanging open as I read this. Darn it all...
I started shaving my underarms and legs at 11 with my mother's permission and my own razor. Using a safety razor near my bikini line makes me cringe and a 12-year-old doing that makes me want to cry.
Aww, very sad story, but, shaving down there doesn't necessarily mean one is sexually active. I started shaving my legs at 13 and experimented with shaving "other areas" around 15. Didn't lose my virginity 'til 20. Don't panic parents!
Oh great. I admit I started shaving my legs when I was 11 ,with my mons strait razor, from beauty school. But no one expected my privates to be shaved until I was damn near OLD!
Not having been to strip clubs,or watching the latest porn...I had no idea I was supposed to be shorn.
How would a 12 year old know this latest trend?
This is a tragic. And, I must say ...bad parenting has to be in here somewhere.
So you shave your privates because it's expected of you by someone else and not for your own reasons? Sounds like bad parenting.
Latest trend? I don't think full bush has been cool for 20 years.
More than a landing strip will get you on the nerd girl list in gym class.
C'mon, all the cool kids are doing it.
Everybody wants to be a porn star these days.
So disgusting...not the shaving part, the young kid with an STD part.
Makes me want to take my old, dirty razor and go shave someone...and add a couple of nasty nicks, too.
Here in these parts, that there is a crime.
Oh man.. not good. I'm wondering who's having sex with her?
I'm 19 and a virgin and have been shaving that area ever since hair started to grow there. I had delayed puberty, so that was probably around age 15. I had never seen anyone else in that area, but I just knew that hair wasn't there before and I saw no reason to keep it.
That makes me so very sad. There's nothing wrong with hair removal - in some cultures both girls and boys are expected to remove hair at puberty. But having a florid STI at 12 is just tragic. I hope this child gets the help she needs.
I saw a case once of a 12 year old and her 40 year old mother both pregnant, by the same man. The mother's boy friend. I don't think it's about lack of parenting, it's more about lack of or the death of morality.
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