This is the latest thing I have pulled out of someone's butt. It's pretty common. Always the same excuse too...."Doc I was constipated so I decided to put this in my butt to stimulate my bowels." Yeah sure, I bet that's not all your stimulating. Other things I have pulled out include: baseballs, dildo's, shotglass, cups, etc. This one, though, has to be most impressive.
--ER Doc
You sure you didnt get that out yo ass instead???
That is sooo disgusting!
I think I just saw that on Greys!!!!!
hey doc are you oraly blessed
i got a problem with all you people
i think i felt a movement
I would love to hear some crazy stories from the psych ward.
I know what I want for Christmas!
This is your very _first_ post??
*adds to faves*
omg lol i wrote a blog on what i saw removed from a pt stomach...but a hose? omg not to mention all of the others u listed..what is wrong with people
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