Thursday, November 4, 2010

Random Post

Sorry for the lack of posts. I have specialty boards coming up in 2 weeks so have been busy studying. In Emergency Medicine, we have a lot of tests. After residency, we have our specialty written boards. If we pass that, then we have oral boards. After all that we can be considered "Board Certified" in Emergency Medicine. To maintain that, we have to keep up with a small refresher test based on current literature every 2 years. So...right now I am a fully licensed regular doctor, residency trained in EM and "board eligible."

Anyways, work has been boring lately. No great saves to talk about.

I did have 2 patient's today that both had trich (STD) on random urine tests. It was funny b/c they were both in their 60's. One male and one female, in rooms right next to each other. I wondered if they had hooked up in the past, but due to the HIPPA police I couldn't ask.

I had another lady that I diagnosed with Scabies. When I told her I would be sending her home with medicines, she was pissed b/c she had to actually BUY the medicines. She said she had no money to buy them, and I basically told her to figure it out. Of course she didn't like that. So I asked who paid for the cell phone she had been texting on. She replied, "My sugar daddy, but he's in Florida now b/c he is a truck driver." I suggested that her sugar daddy pay for them. She was ok with that as long as I called Sugar Daddy for her and explained to him that she did have a medical condition that required treatment. I guess he isn't a very trusting Daddy.

-ER Doc


Anonymous said...

good luck on boards!

Arzt4Empfaenger said...

Good luck for you! Ah, the two trichs... it never ceases to amaze me how older people (although 60 isn't *that* old yet) think they don't need to practise safe sex. I guess it's good for them that they're still getting any, though.

ERP said...

Good Luck. I am not looking forward to re-certing.

Anonymous said...

I have never, in twenty years, had someone tell me they "couldn't afford their medicine" where I could not lean over and point out their cigarettes in their purse/pocket. Usually next to the nicer cell phone than I have.

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