Friday, July 23, 2010

Expensive Day

Today was the beginning for me to start repaying my student loans from college and med school. I haven't even been out of residency one month! More importantly, I haven't even been paid yet! Expensive day to say the least. Only 29 more years and 11 months to go at least.

-ER Doc


Unknown said...

Sweetie, you should have let me find you a job. A couple offer 100K in student loan repayment. $160+ RVU's p/h, full benes. And they are not in eastbumblefuck either.

Yes, you've got to give 4 years to a single ER but what the heck, you just gave 11 years to secondary school, whats 4 more....

Sorry for talking shop. I've read your blog for awhile and this is one of the first times I've commented. Go figure. lol.
Good luck!!

Andrea said...

I'm on the 30-year plan myself, post vet school. I completely feel your pain. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just defer them forever?

Classof65 said...

I was taught, growing up, not to ask what people paid for things. However, I don't really know you and I'm curious...what are your monthly payments? Just a rounded off figure, please, so I can get an idea for when my grandson enters med school...

SerenityNowHospital said...

Went to state school for college and med school. Owe bout 175k. Payments are about 1k/mo for me. Private med schools are much more expensive

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I'm just finishing up my phd and applying to med school. I'll have 13 years of college with interest accruing on all of it if I get in. Oh the joys of wanting to do clinical translational research...

Classof65 said...

So you'll pay it off in about 3-1/2 years....well worth the cost, don't you think?

SerenityNow said...

3 1/2 years??? No. The payback plan is for 30 years. But hopefully will pay it off in 10 years.

Anonymous said...

The government waste soo much money. One would think with the MD shortage in this country, they could find a way to subsidize tuition for docs and nurses. They waste money on NASA. Who needs to go the moon??